Rosalía and Rauw Alejandro have announced their first joint project, a three-track tape titled RЯ. The tape is due out March 24, according to Twitter and Instagram posts from both artists Monday afternoon. These posts include an image of what appears to be the EP’s cover: two interlocking black Rs, painted with thick, heavy brushstrokes onto a dark red background.
News of RЯ comes after 18 months of speculation on a collaboration between Rosalía and Rauw. The Spanish singer and Puerto Rican emcee announced themselves as a couple in September 2021 but haven’t put out music together until now. Rosalía shared a new solo single called “LLYLM” in January and won her second Grammy for Best Latin Rock or Alternative Album (this time for her third LP, MOTOMAMI) a week later. Rauw’s third album, Saturno, arrived in November.