Jean Dawson has announced his second studio album, CHAOS NOW*. The follow-up to 2020’s Pixel Bath is scheduled to arrive October 7, and Dawson shared the forthcoming record’s lead single, “THREE HEADS*,” today alongside a manic visual treatment courtesy of Bradley J. Calder. Check it out below. (The video features flashing lights and comes with an epilepsy warning.)
The new song introduces the listening public to a louder, more volatile version of Dawson. The 26-year-old audiovisual multi-hyphenate, raised near the California-Mexico border, has always had a knack for blurring established genre boundaries, but his first two projects (Pixel Bath and his 29 debut mixtape Bad Sports) both existed loosely within the alternative rock zeitgeist. Here, however, he adds gritty elements of hardcore and underground hip-hop into the mix, resulting in a listening experience akin to riding a rollercoaster in the dark. And yet, despite its many twists and turns, “THREE HEADS*” still holds together structurally, a testament to Dawson’s formidable craftsmanship.