On June 10, Liss will release their debut LP, I Guess Nothing Will Be The Same. The dreamy pop band from Aarhus, Denmark dropped both of the project's first two singles, "Exist" and "Country Fuckboy," on April 20. And today, they've shared a new album cut featuring the inimitable English singer-songwriter Nilüfer Yanya.
"Boys In Movies" pits the group lead singer Søren Holm's gauzy voice — and later, Yanya's — against a dreamy guitar groove. "You know boys in movies are better," the band harmonize on the chorus, bemoaning the perpetual disappointment of real-world romance.
Holm passed away a year ago next week, shortly after the recording of I Guess Nothing Will Be The Same was finished. With the blessing of his family, Liss made the collective decision to release the record in the hope of furthering his legacy. "Søren constantly sought out new music and always shared his discoveries with everyone around him," they write. "He was never afraid to reach out to those people who inspired him. 'Boys in Movies' is a track that has had several different identities. It found its direction when we shared it with Nilüfer Yanya, who helped us highlight the energy and gave the song a whole new dimension."
Read the band's full statement on the forthcoming album and watch the new track's lyric below.
"The title has taken on a new meaning since we lost Søren, but we don't feel that the album can be called anything else. Even though we feel confident in releasing the music, it is still difficult to do. Working with the material is a constant reminder of Søren’s absence. It is important to break the taboo that is connected to suicide, and as we choose to release the music and speak openly about what has happened, it is with the hope that others who may be in a difficult place in their lives or who experience suicidal thoughts will find the courage to talk to someone about it. Losing Søren is the hardest thing we have ever experienced, and we wish with everything in the world that it had never happened. We will never stop missing him."