Hear John Talabot’s Lovely Remix Of Jamie xx’s “Loud Places”
Talabot nudges the track towards the dance floor.
July 09, 2015

One of the highlights of Jamie xx’s debut album, In Colour, was “Loud Places,” a collaboration with his xx bandmate Romy Croft. The track was recently remixed by the Spanish DJ John Talabot and stealthily unveiled on WNYU’s Beats In Space radio. Talabot gives the song more of a pulse—it glides forward with a steady rhythmic throb, rather than rising and falling like the album version. He also chooses to ignore most of Croft’s verses: her hook is where the payoff is, so that’s what he focuses on. Talabot’s remix is the final tune on the radio show, kicking off at 1:06:45. As you listen, read Jamie xx on why dance music is so important.