Egyptian Hip Hop, “Round Pot” (This is Horseflesh’s Radd Pitt Reincarnation) MP3

February 08, 2010

This is Horseflesh is actually Egyptian Hip Hop's Alex Pierce, which means that he went ahead and remixed his own song into something virtually unrecognizable. Although we really dug the original's ultra sadsack vocals, this alternate version works as the sort of digital only b-side you'd find on an obscure white label bootleg of the single. That said, we're totally into the fact that dude remixed his own song. Was he like, Yeah the original is cool, but check out my version that's exactly the way I want it. Kind of like that scene in Home Alone when Kevin realizes he can ball out while his family is gone, and orders an entire cheese pizza for himself. Only Pierce probably didn't get sick to his stomach when he made this. Excuse us while we remix our office into a private waterpark made out of gold.

(via RCRD LBL)
Egyptian Hip Hop, “Round Pot” (This is Horseflesh’s Radd Pitt Reincarnation) MP3