Back when we first posted the MP3 for "Throw It Up," we alluded to Alley Boy not having any regard for the safety of his own fans. Hindsight is 20/20, but in light of some pictures of his most recent homage to his label (Duct Tape Entertainment), we can't really be surprised. A loose cannon if there ever was one, Alley Boy has been heralded as the voice of the streets of Atlanta before, but if this video is to be believed, also opposing gang sets. And while we're never ones to discount all the positive things gang-banging has brought to the mainstream (bandana fashion, a renewed spirit of free enterprise), we can't see "Throw It Up" boding well for teen night at the club. That said, Alley Boy's Definition of Fuck Shit mixtape releases momentarily and we can't wait to get our hands on a copy.