It used to be that when Kendrick Lamar shared a music video, you could be assured that it would be the best one released that whole day at least, if not the entire week. That's no longer the case today, as London's Little Simz has released a stunning and week-winning short film based on songs from her excellent new album No Thank You.
Gabriel Moses directs the 10-minute clip starring Simz in a handful of different tableaus soundtracked by different snippets from the album. You'll see Simz as a giant presiding over a flock for "X," perform a multilayered dance for "Silhouette," and recede from the spotlight in favor of some dramatic, heartbreaking symbolism for the segment dedicated to the album standout "Broken." The video concludes with "Heart On Fire," Simz's rumination on the downfalls of fame, which she delivers here as a hungry crowd of wealthy observers bears down on her. Check it out below.