U.K. songwriter and beatmaker Ethan P. Flynn returns today is something of a desolate mood. A year on from 2020 debut B-Sides and Rarities Volume 1, "The Universal Deluge" catches Flynn with racking up "further blues" by the moment, torn up over someone he frets he'll "never see the statues they build of." The stripped-back emotion is matched by similarly sparse instrumentation, though Flynn's innately melodic approach means "The Universal Deluge" never crosses over into wallowing or self-pity.
Matching the vibe is the accompanying video, premiering below. In it Flynn wades across a barren desert-like landscape. Like a heartbroken extra on the set of Dune, sand flies past him as he pours his heart out into the wind.
Speaking about "The Universal Deluge," Flynn told The FADER: “I made the core instrumental to this song a long time ago and it turned into lots of different things over the years. When I added the drums and synths in 2019, I decided it was finally time to use these lyrics which I’d been saving for a long time. The film of me walking was taken just after a sandstorm, I still feel like I have sand in my ears from that day”