Listen to A.K. Paul’s new song “Be Honest”
More music from Paul Insitute is promised to drop soon.

A.K. Paul, brother of Jai Paul and a distinctive electronic producer in his own right, has shared a new song called "Be Honest." It's his second track of the year after "Hungry Beat," though "Be Honest" does sound a bit fuller and more fleshed-out with its bubbling experimental soul.
In a press statement, Paul said that "Be Honest" is a song "about giving up control for a moment, allowing yourself to feel something beyond what you've known. It's a song about liking something you didn’t think you would like, feeling something you didn't think you would feel - and as you come to your senses being faced with the prospect you've only half lived…"
"Be Honest" is the first in a series of promised released from A.K. and Jai Paul's Paul Institute. "I'm really happy we're releasing new music with Paul Institute this summer," A.K. Paul's statement reads, before alluding to troubles that had beset the Institute's progress. "It's been a while coming and the last couple of years have been perilous at times for PI, particularly because of a legal fight that set us back. So besides it being sick music, to return with such a strong set of releases feels like a vindication of our rights as artists too."
Listen to "Be Honest" below: