Here’s how you can help musicians and artists who’ve been affected by the Los Angeles wildfires.

7 fundraisers to support this week

All across the world, communities are stepping in to provide funds, healthcare, and housing to those in need. Consider donating to one of these fundraisers this week.

July 26, 2020
7 fundraisers to support this week Stephen Maturen / Getty Images

Each week, The FADER rounds up a small selection of calls for donations from causes furthering the goals of equality and social justice, with a focus on areas that are overlooked in modern media coverage. If you have any comments or suggestions for the roundup, contact us on Twitter or Instagram.

Joshua Wilson Fund

Joshua Wilson was assaulted by the Los Angeles Police Dept. during a protest against police brutality, leaving his wheelchair profoundly damaged. He is fundraising to purchase a new one.


“I was assaulted by the Los Angeles Police Department which resulted in major damages to my wheelchair. We are raising money so I am able to get a new wheelchair, and can continue marching and fighting for a cause that I truly believe in. Which is to end police brutality against minorities.” — Joshua Wilson


Black Trans Chicagoan Jordyn Noelle is fundraising for life-saving gender affirmation surgery.

"There are people in this world that will never bask in Jordyn’s light and have even tried to diminish it with transphobic violence and verbal harassment from her very own family and strangers. The fear of being “outed” or attacked by people is a constant and statistically probable danger. I hope to unburden her of fear with the strength of a collective of others kind enough to help." — Elan Baxter, fundraiser organizer

#FoodNotRent Solidarity Fund

The #FoodNotRent solidarity fund supports members of the Los Angeles Tenants Union striking in attempts to cancel rent during the Covid-19 pandemic. Additional aid and protection means that more people can join the strike.

“Your support means urgent relief for our most vulnerable members — especially those who are targeted for eviction because of their race, language, or immigration status. It’s also an investment in the future of our communities and our movement for the human right to housing for all.” — LATU

PDX Protest Bail Fund

The General Defense Committee 1 in Portland, Oregon is fundraising to cover bail and associated expenses for those arrested in Portland during protests against police brutality and the murder of George Floyd.


“The legal process can take a tremendous amount of time. Most cases take 6 months to a year to be resolved and some cases can take up to two years. For this reason, disbursements and reporting will be ongoing possibly up to two years from now depending on people’s charges and cases. We will be continually updating information regarding these expenditures as money is used to bail people out and support peoples’ legal cases.” — GDC


Saraya Rees is a 14-year-old girl who, after entering a state of psychosis due to being taken off her antidepressants, was arrested and incarcerated. #Justice4Saraya is raising funds to cover legal fees for Saraya’s family, and any associated costs with Saraya’s health care.

“We demand the release of Saraya Rees from juvenile prison and that she receives the appropriate mental health treatment for her condition. Mental illness is not a crime. Being black is not a crime. We demand justice and accountability.” — Kelsey Darragh and Shannon Rees

help a black femme find safe housing

20-year-old Black queer femme Ashley is fundraising to find safe housing. Covid-19 has forced her back into her parents’ house, which is an unsafe environment for her to live.

“I’m unable to move in with my birth mother due to her being extremely physically abusive (which is why i was adopted to begin with) so i’m in a position where i now have to live on my own, all money will go towards travel and apartment funds, any help is greatly appreciated!” — Ashley

Black Non-binary Individual Seeking Stability

21-year-old nonbinary drag artist and creative Tony Hemmingway is seeking assistance with relocation and education costs, due to a Covid-19 related loss of income.


“I am always so hesitant to ask others for help but I have been reaching a breaking point and need assistance. It is so difficult to create stability as a black queer non-binary individual and the system has done little to nothing to help; community is all I have at this moment.” — Tony

7 fundraisers to support this week