Fiona Apple has announced that she'll donate royalties from her biggest hit "Criminal" (off 1996's Tidal) to the While They Wait fund, a joint effort coordinated by Brooklyn Defender Services and RAICES to legally assist immigrants seeking asylum. Apple, who isn't super active on social media, shared the news in a letter posted to a Tumblr fan blog, on which she occasionally submits content:
"After months and months of reading the news about how my country is treating refugees, I've become gutted with frustration trying to figure out the best way to help," Apple wrote. "What they need is representation and guidance because these people are being prosecuted as criminals just for asking for asylum... I have decided to pledge all of my earnings from 'Criminal' over this year and next to [While They Wait]."
“I could write a song about this, and maybe I will," Apple added. "But for now, I will use “Criminal” to help the wrongly criminalized get justice.” Earlier this year, Apple shared a handful of studio transmissions via the same fan blog, hinting that new music is on the way. In January, she teamed with King Princess for a reimagining of her When The Pawn closer "I Know." Read her entire letter below, and donate to While They Wait here.