The New Negroes is a new Comedy Central show from rapper Open Mike Eagle and Baron Vaughn, and each episode of the program concludes with a new song and music video. For the show's third episode, Eagle has enlisted Phonte of Little Brother for "Woke As Fuck," a song and video that injects some hilarious and much-needed levity into our ceaseless search for enlightenment and the attendant bragging rights.
Eagle and Phonte duke it out in barber chairs while nearby, comedians The Lucas Brothers play an arcade game called "Wokken Fighter." Some of the characters include "Campus Crusader," "Hotep," and "Info-Warrior." No matter what side of the wokeness spectrum you're on, you'll be able to laugh at yourself. Watch above, and check out Eagle's videos for "Unfiltered" with Danny Brown and "Police Myself" with MF DOOM.