Here’s how you can help musicians and artists who’ve been affected by the Los Angeles wildfires.

15 less obvious, but still very convincing, reasons to vote

Do it for Ethan Hawke.

November 06, 2018
15 less obvious, but still very convincing, reasons to vote

The midterm elections are today and democracy, the Earth, and healthcare are at stake. Reason enough to vote, we think. But earnest "go vote!" tweets are kind of lame, so we've collected the funniest, sarcastic and also pretty convincing tweets about the less-obvious reasons to head to the voting booth.

Because there could be a voting dominatrix available for hire
Because the mid in midterms is actually...
Because it's Ethan Hawke's birthday
Because you might see three small children wearing a large trench coat and pretending to be an adult in order to to participate in democracy
Because Eminem fans vote
Because we don't need this
Because it's not funny
Because there are dumb laws that should be overturned
Because Trump was elected by voting
Because there are still Trump supporters
Because alternate side of the street parking rules are suspended in New York City!
Because it’s an opportunity to cosplay
Because true self is non-self
Because David Duke is a gross asshole
Because it’s more legal than the other thing you should be doing
Because it's an excuse to support your local businesses
15 less obvious, but still very convincing, reasons to vote