This Halloween we’re telling (true) spooky stories from the FADER universe.
Bang! Bump! Crash!
Adele jumps. It’s the middle of the night and things are falling, but Adele can’t figure out what they are or where they’re coming from. She thinks ghosts, maybe. Some sort of spirit. What else could she have expected moving into a former convent?
But Adele did it anyway, buying the 10 bedroom, 25-acre mansion in Sussex, England. It also has two pools; lots of places to roam. She needed to escape the hungry, obsessive paparazzi. It was urgent. They were staking out her house in London.
Instead, she ran into some other guests. Filming for 60 Minutes, she gave Anderson Cooper a tour of the house, leading him down one long hallway saying, “This bits all quite scary, really.” He compared it to The Shining. Eventually, she told a friend, “I’m not rattling around here on my own. It gives me the creeps.”
So Adele hired a 24/7 bodyguard to stay with her in the house and sleep there too. She didn’t want to be alone. She hired two more people to protect the gates at the entrance to the property.
They haven’t seen anything paranormal yet, at least not that they can prove, but they did find a previously unidentified public footpath that runs right past the front door. Visitors, apparently, welcome.