Listen to a gentle post-club lullaby from London producer Organ Tapes
“Seedling” is the first single from his upcoming album Into One Name.

Organ Tapes is a shadowy producer and mumble-singer who is based in London and Shanghai, and moves among global club collectives like Bala Club, Club Chai, and Tobago Tracks. Encountered under a strobe light on a dancefloor, his sparse dancehall-inspired compositions are uniquely affecting — but for me, his twisted lullaby style makes his music best suited to headphones on the bus home. At the end of this year, he's set to release a new album titled Into One Name, and the lead single "Seedling" is one of the most tender songs he's released yet. "I made 'Seedling almost exactly a year ago," he explained in an email. "I finished it the day before I played in Paris and sang it the next night. I knew I wanted it to be the single for this album pretty much straight away. Not that many Organ Tapes songs actually have organs in them, but this does — it's church pew music." Listen below, and get Into One Name via Genome 6.66 Mbp on December 30.