Girls On Tops is a U.K.-based, independent brand making simple shirts that celebrate women in film. When I say "simple," I mean it: each shirt proudly bears just the name of an actor, writer, or director, emblazoned in either black or red on a white background. It's a blindingly straightforward and very stylish answer to a very real problem, which is the marginalization of women (and especially WOC) in the movie industry. A study from San Diego State's Center for the Study of Women in Television and Film in 2016 found that just 7% of the top 250 films of that year were made by women. Now, at a time when whistleblowers are shedding light on the rife sexual harassment and sexism in Hollywood, it's only right to uplift the pioneers who have cracked that tough glass ceiling.
Importantly, though, these shirts also look really cool. I'm basically writing this post as a massive hint to anyone who knows me and might want to buy me a Christmas gift. Hey, friend, I'll take a "SIGOURNEY WEAVER." There's free worldwide shipping today on orders over £30, so don't mess around: shop the shirts here.