FADER Mix: Akanbi
Relive the weekend with the mastermind of Brooklyn rave GROOVY GROOVY.

"IF YOU'RE NOT SWEATING YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG" is both a true statement and the Facebook bio of N.Y.C. monthly rave GROOVY GROOVY. Held in various locations across the city, the night is the brainchild of Virginia-born, Lagos-raised DJ and promoter Akanbi. In a sea of anonymous warehouse parties and over-priced clubs, GROOVY GROOVY stands head and shoulders above the rest. Its lineups emphasize incredible local talent and pull a diverse and appreciative crowd; its community-minded use of space encourages zones for dancing and conversation; and Akanbi's infectious energy does the rest — if he's not behind the decks, he's dancing it out down the front.
This week's FADER Mix is a bit of a treat: a recording of Akanbi's DJ set at Fourth World 2k17, a marathon all-day-all-nighter that was the cherry on the top of the recent July holiday weekend. It's a journey: acid flares, insistent percussion, pounding bass, sassy electro, chime-flecked techno, and jungle-influenced ambient tones to round things off.
Listen below, and read on for an interview with Akanbi, the tracklist, and details of his upcoming events.
Where are you right now? Please describe your surroundings.
I’m in my spaceship (room). It’s about noon on a Sunday, sun rays sifting through my shades, air-conditioned with vanilla scented candles lit. It’s very comfortable and peaceful in here.
Tell us a bit about this mix — what do you imagine people doing while listening to it?
This is a recorded set from Fourth World 2k17 — a yearly 4th of July mega-rave showcasing all of Brooklyn’s finest locals in house and techno. I put this together with the vision of an erupting dance floor in mind. This is a rave-ready mix and ideally I expect every listener to be moving every single part of their body at a speed of at least 15mph while listening to it.
What's your earliest musical memory?
Winning every dancing competition at 5-year-old birthday parties.
You throw some of the best dance parties in New York. How did you get into that and what's your party ethos?
I started throwing parties in college basements in Jersey then stopped after so many noise complaint tickets. The first party didn’t happen in New York until after favorite DJ-turned-best mate L-Vis 1990 hit me up about wanting to have a party in N.Y. and right there it hit me: I could pull this off!
GROOVY GROOVY is very driven on the ideology of community. It is the most important factor. Our mission is to build a dimension/platform where beings from all walks of life can come together respectfully and share a common passion for the true essence of rave.
What drew you to electronic music as a form of expression?
I found electronic dance music after I moved here from Lagos in the summer of 2010. The culture behind raving has shaped me into the person I am today. Slowly realizing my life completely revolves around the rave continues to blow my mind. It’s this never-ending chase and craving for this form of energy that cannot be seen or touched that continues to fascinate me. I realized I am my happiest self and most confident every time I was on a dance floor. Genuinely, I can’t picture myself indulging in anything other than music with as much passion.
What's the most important thing you've learned about DJ-ing?
It’s never that serious. A chill, sincere, and individual approach to it is the best move.
Do you have any plans to release your own productions?
At the moment, no. I don’t know jack shit about Ableton lol. Curating and sharing music and dance floors is my forte.
What's your favorite dish to cook and how do you make it?
I like to consider myself a master at seasoning meat. Akanbi-style seasoned pork chops / steaks with a side of waffle fries and BBQ sauce is my go-to dish. Thoroughly seasoned meat in oven for exactly 45mins, and seasoning-salted fries in oven for 30mins, that’s it.

Bergsonist - Control Over The System
Randomer - Rye
Bergsonist - Pray
Stress - Cameron Potter
Lag - Applied Mechanics
Privacy - Apex Predator
Julixo - Own Structure
Surgeon - Box
Ctrls - Locked Groove 2
Divorce - Don't Surprise The User
Paul Birken - Acid Youth of Malibu (Truss Remix)
Drvg Cvlture - Waging a War on God (Casper Hastings Remix)
Scalameriya - Very Very Slightly Curved
Ansome & Ossian - Butch
Laksa - Camo Trousers
Teleself & Room_Noise.Wav - Mindfold
Ronan - Sedna's Dance