
Jeremy Corbyn Backs Calls For British Prime Minister To Resign Following London Attack

Tackling terrorism is top of the U.K.’s election agenda as Theresa May comes under fire for cutting police funding.

June 05, 2017

Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the British Labour Party, has backed calls for PM Theresa May to resign in the wake of the terror attack on London this weekend.


Seven people were killed when terrorists attacked the London Bridge area of the city on Saturday night, June 3. Armed police attending the scene killed the three attackers, though May has been criticized for cutting police numbers by around 20,000 during her time as Home Secretary between 2010 and 2016.

Asked about these cuts following a speech given on Monday morning, May denied claims that the police force in Britain is underfunded. May stated that counter-terrorism budgets had been protected and added that the number of armed officers is increasing.


Speaking separately, Corbyn was asked about the calls for May to resign and told Sky News he supports the idea. "Indeed I would," he said. "Because there have been calls made by a lot of very responsible people on this, who are very worried that she was at the Home Office for all this time, presided over these cuts in police numbers and now is saying that we have a problem. Yes we do have a problem, we should never have cut the police numbers."

Britain will hold a national election on Thursday, June 8. The London Bridge attack was the third attack in Britain in the last three months following incidents in Westminster and Manchester.

Posted: June 05, 2017