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Frank Ocean’s Keyboardist Buddy Ross Breaks Down The “Super Mysterious” Creation Of Endless And Blond

“There’s this vision he has that you can’t really see yourself.”

August 31, 2016

Someone was lookin out for me and got me a copy of #boysdontcry #frankocean

A photo posted by Buddy Ross (@buddyross) on

Buddy Ross, who tours and records with Frank Ocean, has spoken about what it was like recording parts for his two new albums. Ross is credited on four Endless songs and tells Pitchfork that he is on the same number of Blond songs, though the credits for that album are yet to be made public.


Throughout his interview Ross paints a picture of mysterious recording sessions where he never had a real sense of what was going on with the larger picture of songs. "I don’t think he wanted to let people have full context," the musician said. "He’s like a collage artist in a way. We were all these bits and pieces that he’d send off to do our thing on. But we’d never see him putting it together."


Ross states that he contributed to the repeated theme under “Be Yourself” and “Facebook Story” as well as "Close To You" and "White Ferrari" during the "super mysterious" recording process. "There’s this vision [Ocean] has that you can’t really see yourself, but I learned to just trust his ear. And if he felt satisfied, then I just learned to be O.K. with that," Ross said.

In fact, Ross eventually began to follow Ocean's activity like a fan. "I kind of gave up on ever holding onto anything, because I just knew that it was out of my control. I knew that when it did it would be a sweet surprise. I had no clue."

Read the full Pitchfork interview here.

Frank Ocean’s Keyboardist Buddy Ross Breaks Down The “Super Mysterious” Creation Of Endless And Blond