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Listen To Drake And Beyoncé’s “Can I”

The song reappeared on OVO Sound Radio this weekend.

October 05, 2015


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Back in April, news broke that Drake worked with Beyoncé on material reportedly slated to appear on Views From The 6. In May, a short snippet of their collaboration leaked, followed by a longer version that contained one verse from Drake and a bunch of empty space. D.R.A.M. quickly reworked the track, adding his own verse to the two stars' vocals.


On this weekend's episode of OVO Sound Radio, the song reemerged for the first time in months. Beyoncé's question—Can I? Baby?—loops over and over, while Drake raps about sharing feelings: finally take the time and open up to ya/ 'cause that's a side you never get to see.

Listen below, and read FADER's Drake cover story.

Listen To Drake And Beyoncé’s “Can I”