The FADER was born at the turn of the century, quickly becoming a bible for emerging music and style. The newborn mag also provided an outlet for streetwear brands to exercise their subversive impulses. Baby Phat sold sex and metallic jackets in full page spreads, Levi's realized a dancefloor fantasy, and early days Supreme slid x-rated ads in between style stories. Some of the ads below are almost impossible to imagine existing today: Kobe Bryant dressed up like a Tarantino character in head-to-toe leather, Vans repping the Agah, Lugz advertising in print. Others are so prescient they basically changed the game for everything that came afterwards (see Diesel preaching "Save Yourself / Don't Have Sex" or Freshjive's minimalist portraiture). There's a whole world in these images from our first ten issues, and it's amazing to see how much of this style holds up over a decade later.