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Beyoncé Is Sick Of You Using Her Name For Stupid Crap On Etsy

Bye, Feyoncé.

January 23, 2015

Etsy is, as we all know, a garbage dump-cum-flea market for people who use the word "crafts" while describing their interests at parties. It is a site filled with useless trash, and this is such a well-known fact that the mere notion of making fun of Etsy (which, granted, I am doing this very second) comes across as utterly passé. People are still using Etsy, though, and one of the things they are apparently using Etsy for is making cheap-ass trinkets that pun the shit out of Beyoncé's name.

Saint Knowles ain't having it no more, though: TMZ reports that the singer's lawyers sent a cease-and-desist letter to one unlucky Etsy seller hawking coffee mugs and other things emblazoned with the word "Feyoncé." I'll admit that I didn't even get the joke until I said it out loud—Feyoncé, fiance, Oprah, Uma, Uma, Oprah—so maybe it's good that these things have been removed from the world (or at least Etsy's world).

Of course, a simple search on Etsy reveals that there are more Feyoncé things being sold out there, so we'll see how long the Streisand Effect has its grasp on this particular situation.

Lead image: Monica Schipper/Getty Images

Beyoncé Is Sick Of You Using Her Name For Stupid Crap On Etsy