October 03, 2014
New Order Bassist Peter Hook Hates Bernard Sumner’s Memoir
He gave Billboard an unfiltered review of his ex-bandmate's new book; it wasn't glowing.
Key & Peele Spoofs True Detective
For their 4th season title sequence, the comedy duo expertly parodies the now-iconic opening of the HBO show.
Berlin-Based Performance Artist Broadcasts Grindr PMs
His "victims," including one photographer who turned violent, weren't pleased. We likely wouldn't be either. Dazed has the full scoop.
What is Sweatpantsgate?
In short: Jezebel writer Kate Dries wore some wildly popular $100 Nike sweatpants for a week, she didn't like them, and some other people didn't like that. We think the pants are pretty sharp-looking, but otherwise we're staying out of it.
And, Finally...
Aww: Awful Records' Etheral reacts to his label's FADER profile, sets off a chain reaction of <3.