Upgrade Ahead: Our Top Back to School Tech Essentials
Your back-to-school style essentials, sorted.
Save yourself from yourself. This hack-proof Mac app will block whichever sites you tell it to, letting you shut out the distractions and get down to business.
B. Ringly $145
Be a model student and keep your phone out of sight with this cocktail ring that discreetly vibrates when you get calls, texts and Facebook updates.
Skip the guidance counselor and sync up your studies with this multilingual digital planner that's part day calendar, part to-do list and part GPA calculator.
For the art student who's fed up with pen and paper, this all-in-one, pressure-sensitive iPad stylus is ideal for illustrating, shading, and precision erasing.
Stash this tiny Instagram projector in your locker, then show off your summer selfies with the ceremony of an old school slideshow.