Most Liked: Three Tumblrs Flying By Our Dashboards

Three Tumblr blogs worth following right now.

June 13, 2014

From the magazine: ISSUE 92 June/July 2014

In our Photoshopped and memed-out times, Honza Zamojski’s Tumblr—host to a body of the Polish artist’s modest pencil drawings, accentuated with hits of cut and ripped colored paper—is a welcome reprieve. The simplicity and charisma of his line and color creations are as delightful as they are an effective reminder of the expressive potential in working with back-to-the-basics tools and materials, whichever your discipline. The Tumblr’s title, Leftovers, may allude to Zamojski’s decisions about what to present, but it’s a coy title if you ask me. Leftovers or not, he’s amassed a signature collection of lanky characters, easily recognizable by their playfully exaggerated proportions and wobbly demeanor. Zamojski’s ragtag crew is depicted in various states of propping, balancing, negotiating, hoisting, juggling or, sometimes, simply in a state of being blissed-out—all of which just about sums up a typical day in the life, no? RGN ryan gerald nelson

Je Suis Perdu

Around the time that we were first getting The FADER Tumblr off the ground, Winslow Laroche came on as our photo intern. He was an early user of the site, and we’d long been fans of his Je Suis Perdu (though sometimes we’d botch it and call it Jesu Is Perdu, which makes for another fun translation), so we casually asked how many followers he had. Imagine a number similar to the amount of coins that Scrooge McDuck dove into. Back then, his Tumblr was known as a peerless rolodex of emerging photographers, but over time its favored medium has shifted to painting. Read into that whatever you will—a bubble bursting, exhaustion, winning the game. What matters most: if you want to know what looks good, Je Suis Perdu is as vital as ever. duncan cooper

For anyone who’s ever fantasized about flinging paint at a Renoir, Chad Wys’ work will satisfy your primal, destructive urge. His impeccable design and street art sensibilities mix with Marcel Duchamp’s iconoclastic thinking to make for super palatable, yet super provocative, pieces. Wys is Tumblr famous and art-world infamous for appropriating images and sculptures from both classic and kitsch art, then strategically vandalizing them. His blog features both his own works and his curations, which range from Renaissance frescoes to pixelated versions of Vermeer’s Girl With a Pearl Earring to a “Gorilla Motel Body Slam,” straight from the armpit of Tumblr. His collective aesthetic makes classics contemporary and brings brains to pop. lara casselman

From The Collection:

Tumblrs To Watch
Most Liked: Three Tumblrs Flying By Our Dashboards