Mirror Mirror are known around New York for their morose pop and pitch-black romanticism, and the new video for their energetic take on early-’80s jam "Nowhere" by Snowy Red fits in nicely with that aesthetic. Scenes of the clip's protagonist—part leather daddy, part mad scientist, played by "artist of the moment" Desi Santiago—are mixed in with washed-out shots of the NYC duo and grainy images of cars engulfed in flames. It's bizarre, a little druggy and appropriately retro, like a forgotten VHS tape from the Adult video store that just won't calibrate. The cover will appear on _ever Alive, a tribute album celebrating the late Micky Mike, Snowy Red's frontman and a Belgian darkwave trailblazer. It's out this May via Weyrd Son Records, and Mirror Mirror will be playing a show on April 14 at St. Vitus in Brooklyn.
Video: Mirror Mirror, “Nowhere”
April 02, 2013