Mr. Muthafuckin eXquire came to the Decon office already booted in a pair of Chuck Taylor All-Stars so comfortable that he opted not to change into the Pro Leathers we'd brought for him. (He'd wear them for his performance later that night.) To say he's particular about his style would be a gross understatement, as he admittedly searches for things he hopes he won't ever have to see anyone else in. It's no easy task, tracking down the rarest of garments, so when he's not scouring the racks of boutiques in some obscure part of the country, he has things custom made, like the track jacket he shows off in the clip above. And though he'd purchased the rest of the pieces he displays "off the rack," you'd be hard pressed to find someone else in Brooklyn walking around in that world map windbreaker.
September 26, 2012