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Brooklyn Bound: El-P Interview at Nitehawk Cinema

August 01, 2012

There’s a great American tradition of New York being a welcoming port and FADER teamed up with Converse’s new Rubber Tracks studio in Brooklyn to further it. Once a month, we’ll be welcoming touring artists to the neighborhood with a visit to a local Brooklyn institution, as well as making time for an intimate performance. Catch that exclusive show, interview and MP3s right here.

Brooklyn's Nitehawk Cinema has been open for a little over a year and in that time has turned drinking alcohol and eating hearty snacks in a movie theater from derelict behavior to a right of the cultured. The theater is literally responsible for getting New York State liquor laws changed so that alcohol can be served in movie theaters. El-P, who by his own admission, is no stranger to practicing any number of illicit activities in movies theaters well before the Nitehawk opened, was overjoyed to finally have somewhere he could be himself: A person who likes to watch movies while imbibing spirits. We sat down with El-P, as well as Matthew Viragh from Nitehawk, in some of the theater's exceptionally comfy chairs and talked about music in movies and the possibility of an El-P/Nitehawk collaboration for one of the theater's original live scorings. Check it out and check back in with us this Friday for an exclusive download from El-P's Converse Rubber Tracks performance.

Brooklyn Bound: El-P Interview at Nitehawk Cinema