Carnivals, “Last Off the Lake” MP3

July 31, 2012

"Last Off the Lake," along with Sheffield solo electronicist Carnivals’s entire forthcoming Humility EP, was inspired by six months of travel in India, and it's rich with the feeling of new air. "Last Off the Lake" is like an open window, half indoors and half out, with wispy, clouds-in-the-wind guitars and a deep kick that jostles the track unexpectedly, like the thud of someone jumping off a bed upstairs. Carnivals' sound is confident but sensitive, the solid product of figuring things out for himself. Below, download "Last Off the Lake" and stream a second, more uptempo track from Humility, out August 7th via Bandcamp.

Download: Carnivals, "Last Off the Lake"

Stream: Carnivals, "Departners"

Carnivals, “Last Off the Lake” MP3