The diversity of Philip Glass’ audiences reflects the diversity of his music: though he is a classical composer, he has produced film scores, dance pieces and milestone minimalist works, all attracting a gamut of people, from buttoned up to eccentric, rich to poor, young to old. Over the course of a month, beginning with the premiere of his Ninth Symphony at Carnegie Hall in New York City on his 75th birthday, we photographed at five Glass performances around the globe—Dance, a collaboration with Sol LeWitt and Lucinda Childs in Perth, Australia; Koyaanisqatsi, his soundtrack for Godfrey Reggio’s film in London, UK; and both his collaboration with Patti Smith and his early work, Music in Twelve Parts, during the Tune-In Festival in New York—to celebrate the array of his appeal.

Music With Changing Parts: Photos from Five Philip Glass Performances Around the Globe
Photographer Claire Martin, John Francis Peters, JB Kelly, Alex Wesh
May 01, 2012