Dunes, “Jukebox” MP3

February 24, 2012

Mika Miko was such a weird, great, everything-but-the-kitchen-sink collection of influences that its former members have been able to create two bands in its wake that are completely different from each other. The Clavin Sisters' Bleached is great, sunny California pop punk, but Mika Miko's drummer Kate Hall has slowly turned Dunes into one of the chilliest, most mystical, Goth-indebted groups in California, like a subtler, culturally relevant update of 1980s freakers 45 Grave. "Jukebox" is from their upcoming PPM-released LP Noctiluca, out March 6th, and it sounds like swimming around in circles in a tub of shiny black mascara.

Download: Dunes, "Jukebox"

Posted: February 24, 2012
Dunes, “Jukebox” MP3