The first thing on Pictureplane’s 19-track tome of Thee Physical remixes, Dimension Rip 7, is 50 unadulterated seconds of Laura Palmer's theme from Twin Peaks, courtesy of Chapel Hill's Extreme Animals, and it's pretty much never downhill from there. The contributors from which we've come to expect great production—Grimes, Unicorn Kid (whose remix has been featured here already), Becoming Real, Teams and Physical Therapy—unanimously deliver. Relative newcomers like Fire for Effect, Tearist, Ritualz and Lokiboi step up massively. I know I'm just hyperlinking, but credit is due to everyone working here. It's big and it's got 19 faces and it turned out really beautiful.
Download: Pictureplane's Dimensional Rip 7: Thee Physical Remixes (via dis)