Have you guys ever been to a Cut Copy show? Like not one of the ones at a festival, but a show that is filled to the brim with people that are there just to see Cut Copy? It is wild times! There are teenagers, young ravers, aging ravers twirling glowsticks on a blanket while their babies chill nearby in car seats, off-duty policemen and businessmen just off work, and they are all just the most excited a person could be to see live music. Everyone there is on a constant journey to get more and more stoked, until there's some sort of critical mass that collapses into a cuddle puddle (not really, but what if). This Lotus Plaza’s cover of Cut Copy's "Where I'm Going" is perfect for the comedown after the show. The last couple minutes are actually just gorgeous chiming bells fading into nothing, which we are pretty sure is the exact thing that happens when we fall asleep. Get the record right here.