At this point, downloading a free remix on the internet is like finding a crusty penny on the ground. If you've got nothing better in your pockets, you're probably going to pick it up, but if you end up leaving it where it is, you're not exactly going to be stressed about it. That said, a good remix is a good remix. Spoek Mathambo and Sub Pop, realizing this, enlisted the help of Machinedrum, Shabazz Palaces and Telepathe for their own takes on Mathambo's "Put Some Red On It" and "Dog To Bone." The originals—done in collaboration with CHLLNGR as well as Zach Hill on "Dog To Bone"—are equally compelling and fractured. If the skies look apocalyptic where you are and you feel like getting worried about the future of the entire world, you could either go see Contagion or just stay where you are and listen to Mathambo and company get dystopian for the price of an email address.
Download Spoek Mathambo’s Put Some Red On It EP
September 27, 2011