There are so many types of beautiful women in this video, including a baby. Los Rakas celebrate everyone and they want to give you a chance to celebrate everyone too. They love smiling and wearing different hats, hanging out near lunch trucks, the sun, buying girls burritos and—as native Panamanians—really seem to love Mexico. It rubs off, a positivity we're picking up mostly from the video's pro-everything vibes rather than its lyrics, where years of high school Spanish fail us and all we can glean is that Rico says somebody likes the donkey a bunch of times. The "Ta Lista" single features amazing cover art by Alejandro Núñez Ferrara. Ferrara also illustrated the front of Rakas' Chancletas y Camisetas Bordada EP. That full-length arrives August 23rd.
Download: Los Rakas, "Ta Lista"