Video Premiere: Mazes, “Most Days”

March 31, 2011

To use what we believe to be a FADER-coined term, U.K.'s Mazes have a kind of Wavvesian sound that takes us back to those junior-high days of smoking too much weed, skating everyday, puking from half a 40 oz. and not getting laid. Appropriately, this new animated clip for "Most Days," directed by brothers Paul and Matt Layzell, features many of those romanticized teenage hijinks. We spoke with co-director Paul Layzell who explained that "the video is an homage to those old home-made skate movies [him and his brother] used to make as kids." In terms of technical production, the Layzells "used a mixture of Flash and After Effects to make the video, animating the characteras in Flash and then placing them in a 3-D scene in After Effects." The end product is an acid-trip Nickelodeon meets Baker skate video. Plain awesome.

Posted: March 31, 2011
Video Premiere: Mazes, “Most Days”