Com Truise, “Innerfacer” MP3

January 31, 2011

Not 100% sure how to deal with the name Com Truise. For some reason the first word that comes to mind is "troublesome" and we're not really sure why that is. But the song—let's talk about this. So "Innerfacer" is cool. The drums come in and the synths twinkle and the whole thing sounds appealingly like a '70s science film, or more specifically that moment when you first get really into music and realize that '70s science films have some jams on them. That vibe is pretty much how Boards of Canada became BOARDS OF CANADA, and it remains to be seen if it will be how Com Truise becomes COM TRUISE (and then gets abducted by Scientologists and starts dating a female synth nerd named Hatie Kolmes—sorry sorry sorry sorry). But right now, it's an appealing piece of music—bedroom synth experimentation given just enough structure to warrant attention. Com Truise has a record coming out on Ghostly very soon.

Com Truise, “Innerfacer” MP3