So when DJ Sega played The Let Out, our radio show at East Village Radio on Friday, he dropped his club remix of Beyonce's "Ego," a song so intensely bananas that one of us (cough) emitted an uncontrollably guttural sound from the bottom of our diaphragms that sounded something like, "UNHH!" Sega, then, was inspired to tweet, "I think a chick just busted a nut hearin me here at fader radio." He tweeted that, by the way, while he was DJing. He was also not wearing headphones. In our defense, you go ahead and try listening to his EVR set without utterly freaking out and at the very least emitting a little gasp, if not a full-on orgasmic throat-puke. That shit was life-changing, as were his sets that night in NYC at the Cove and the following day at the Mad Decent Block Party in Philly. (Watch his crowd-shaking jam at the latter in this crazy video by Alex Yenni.) All of this is to say, beware of this new track he sent us—it may in fact melt your brain into radioactive Cream of Wheat. Dubstep don Caspa's "Marmite" was already a voracious monster, but Sega sharpened its teeth and gave it more bang—this shit will truly hurt you. And you will love it. And if you make any weird sounds while listening to it, you're forgiven.
Premiere: Caspa, “Marmite (DJ Sega’s Philly Club RMX)” MP3

Photographer Gabriele Stabile
August 03, 2010