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Big Space, “Greenside Step” MP3

March 16, 2010

It's unclear if Johannesburg's many-monikered Big Space (aka "SPACEVEIN THE GIRL WASHER" aka "HIS BELOVED WELL HUNG SON, BIG SPACE GIOVANNVI MOOROSI") is actually about to drop an album called TROPICAL FANTASY: Operation Sweating Bullets or if he's just throwing words around for the joy, as he is wont to do. No matter what it's called, "Greenside Step" is a welcome follow-up to his past singles (we still jam "Sandton Funk") and a half-muted, all sproingy dancefloor devotion to ecstasy both emotional and inorganic (we presume). On his blog, he's also devoted it to "everyone in Greenside we have loved, harrassed, molested and threatened with physical violence." We didn't know the Joburg suburbs were so buck! That was originally in all-caps but we didn't want to overdo it, plus that's Space's steez.

Download: Big Space, "Greenside Step" (via Big Space)

Big Space, “Greenside Step” MP3