Stream: Free Energy’s Album Stuck on Nothing

Photographer Alex Wesh
March 04, 2010

Pressing play on this stream garnered, within two seconds of the first riff, "Yes! Yes, Schnipper! Yes!" from a FADER editor. That editor is now singing along under his breath. Don't think he knows he's doing it, either—dude is ordering some breakfast online. Okay, now he is humming along to the guitar solo. Free Energy: real talk. This is all we've got tonight/ We are young and still alive. Something about this band is inseparable from the moved Dazed and Confused. Conceptually, similar vibes. If only Matthew McConaughey's label was DFA (James Murphy produced the album) and not J.K. Livin. Actually, it would have been sweet if Matthew McConaughey had signed Free Energy. Wow, coworker just said that was a good line to something completely inaudible and then started to blow air through his cheeks in tune with the harmony.

Stream: Free Energy, Stuck on Nothing

Stream: Free Energy’s Album Stuck on Nothing