When we last posted about Yuck we were blown away/confused by the stark piano plus little else on "Automatic." Now, hearing "Sunday," we feel like we may have pegged the band wrong the first time around. The vibe is mostly the same (mopey), but this time they're nodding heavily to emo slacker rock kings Dinosaur Jr, only this song has a little more skip in its step. Nostalgia is a tricky game, and while "Sunday" evokes a lot of early '90s rock touchstones—fuzzy guitar! Detached vocals about intense stuff!—it still works in its own right. If we were some other magazines (what's a magazine?) we'd probably be all like BAND TO WATCH! WHAT'S NEXT IN 2010! DON'T PASS THESE GUYS UP! But instead we'll just tell you to put this on and let it work its magic on a rainy day when you want nothing more than to just chill in your apartment with a couple tall cans. Yuck are releasing a record with Transparent very soon.
Download: Yuck, "Sunday"