About eleven minutes into Gang Gang Dance's set at the El Rey Theatre on Saturday, some guy next to us asked if all the bands that played that night were trying to out-weird each other. Between Lucky Dragons walking around banging a cymbal after hiding behind red velvet curtains for their whole set and Marnie Stern showing everyone that, yes, women can shred and have epic breakdowns, we should have known that Gang Gang would bring something unexpected. We, however, were definitely not expecting a twelve minute intro. After that, the band played without a break, Lizzie Bougatsos' vocals piercing the spastic yet lush haze of instrumentation, bugging everyone out. We didn't know whether to move our feet or raise our hands while speaking in tongues. It was definitely a glorious experience, too much for some audience members: a few of them left occasionally to smoke cigarettes and talk about how much of a trip it all was. We found the above video of the band playing "Egowar" from the show to give you an idea.