Video: Hercules And Love Affair, “You Belong”

June 18, 2008

We were going to say this video is the gayer version of the Red Hot Chili Peppers "Give It Away" video, but upon watching the "Give It Away" video again, turns out that is pretty explicitly gay. Both videos feature a lot of deserted landscapes with shirtless men dancing, except RHCP's video has way more body paint. Despite that, and despite the reluctance of the gender studies parts of our minds to assign sexual preference to anything as inanimate as music, "You Belong," is, ultimately, the gayer song. "You belong to him tonight, there is nothing you can do," and something somewhere between freestyle and acid house = not straight. And thank god for it. Someone has to have enough ferociousness to dance in front of a screen of animated houndstooth. Or maybe they're just trying to trip us up and the whole crawling out of the ice/science fiction/tundra dance vibe is an ode to Ursula K Le Guin and The Left Hand of Darkness and we're deep into a multigendered utopia of boundless love.

Video: Hercules And Love Affair, “You Belong”