
Listen to Dreamer Boy’s album All The Ways We Are Together

Stream the album and help get trees planted. Seriously!

April 22, 2021

If you haven't done anything to celebrate Earth Day yet (April 22), Dreamer Boy has an option that doesn't require you to put your phone down. The Nashville-based artist (and former tourmate of Clairo and Omar Apollo) has shared his new album All The Ways We Are Together along with an intriguing Earth Day tie-in. For every 10 Spotify streams of the project, Dreamer Boy's team will plant one tree in association with the conservatory group One Tree Planted. If you're a fan of music like Flower Boy's polyglot soul, MGMT, steel-pan guitar, and post-Cudi AutoTune crooning, All The Ways We Are Together might just be for you. Take a listen below.