
Watch Lil Yachty’s “CORTEX” video

The rapper is promising a lot of new music the is year.

April 19, 2021

Last year, Lil Yachty expressed enthusiasm for premiering new songs on his YouTube page. "Fuck mixtapes, fuck deluxe, YouTube," he said at the beginning of the video for "COFFIN," a track that enjoyed significant TikTok popularity after its release. His latest YouTube-only (for now) track is "CORTEX," and like the "COFFIN" video, it takes place at the studio, where Yachty has been getting some pretty great results from recently.


The song's title is taken from the name of the band behind the song's sample, originally recorded for the song "Huit Octobre 1971” — you might remember it from the MF DOOM song "One Beer." "Right now I'm working on 4-5 projects," Yachty wrote in the video's YouTube description. "I promise to give y'all a shit load of music this year."