Bun B Discusses Hurricane Harvey
The Houston resident and legend talks about how people can help his city.
In an interview with Mass Appeal, Houston rapper and legend Bun B dicussed what people can do to help his city in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. Several celebrities and artists have shared their support for relief efforts, and encouraged others to do the same, after the storm touched down in Texas on Friday. The flooding in Houston is historic, and the storm is affecting one of the country’s most diverse and populated cities.
“Money is going to be needed, but I’m saying right now, people stuck in an attic, they don’t need money right now,” Bun told Mass Appeal. “They need someone with a boat to come save their lives. I’m talking right now, real time, what people need.”
As of right now, the Associated Press has reported that over 3,000 people have been rescued in Houston. The storm is expected to inundate Texas until Thursday.
“We can’t get caught up in who’s to blame or any of that. We’ll have plenty of time to do that when this is over,” Bun said. “But right now, we need to save lives.”
Here’s Where You Can Donate To Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts.